DailyHunt - Live TV
UX & UI - Mobile App (Android)
1. Overview
DailyHunt is India’s No.1 News aggregator app in India which gives daily dose of news in 14 Indian languages from 850+ partnered sources. Currently DH has more than 80million active users & its primary goal is to be largest local language platform for consuming & discovering news, ebooks, videos, live TV, photos & more.
Role: UX & UI Platform: Mobile App, Team: Single, Timeline: Nov - Dec 2017, Tools: Sketch
2. Define
DH wants to expand in terms of content serving in various formats & wanted bring the Live TV service into the platform which can compliment & give more support to news section. So, DH has partnered with 140+ live tv channel providers to give free live tv experience for DH users in various regional languages. Live TV will be part of DH app as a separate module where user can watch live tv & check the tv EPG guide for next & upcoming shows along with reminder option.
3. Design
DH app’s architecture in its nature is bit complex due to multiple regional language support, multiple services & long list of content sources. We went with a simple concept where user can watch the LiveTV & same time can browse content. So, had treated it as a separate module & created a access point in bottom nav to jump into Live TV section. Had picked the same color & typography elements DH app which were used in other sections.